Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
George Gascoigne, 1539-1577: Sonnet II

Before mine eye to feede my greedy will,
Gan muster eke mine olde acquainted mates,
Who helpt the dish (of vayne delighte) to fill
My empty mouth with dayntye delicates :
And folishe boldenesse toke the whippe in hande,
To lashe my life into this trustlesse trace,
Til all in haste I leapte a loofe from lande,
And hoyst up soyle to catche a Courtly grace:
Eche lingring daye did seeme a world of wo,
Till in that haplesse haven my head was brought :
Waves of wanhope so tost me to and fro,
In deepe dispayre to drowne my dreadfull thought :
Eche houre a day eche day a yeare did seeme,
And every yeare a worlde my will did deeme.


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